Outreach and Recognition

Invited Talks and Presentations

  • May 2024: Visual Modeling of Human Behaviors: Multimodal, Interpretable, Grounded, and Self-Supervised Approaches at the Department of Data Science Advanced Computing, Maastricht University
  • May 2024: Co-Speech Gesture Modelling at the Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, Tilburg University
  • April 2023: Visual Computing of Co-Speech Gestures, Research Presentation and Demonstration for Language in Interaction Consortium
  • September 2022: Multimodal Emotion Recognition through Deep Learning, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), UvA
  • April 2022: Human Emotion and Behaviour Analysis through Multimodal Learning at The Social AI Group Colloquium, VU Amsterdam
  • October 2021: Skeleton-Based Explainable Bodily Expressed Emotion Recognition through Graph Convolutional Networks at the Cognitive Systems Group, Maastricht University
  • September 2020: Joint Modeling of Audio-Visual Cues Using Attention Mechanisms for Emotion Recognition at the Smart Interaction and Machine Intelligence Technologies (SIMIT) Lab, Istanbul Technical University

Honors & Achievements

Public Outreach and Activities

Beyond my research contributions, I have actively engaged in academic citizenship and the popularization of AI:

  • Participation in Events:
    • Pleasure Arts and Science Festival 2019: Demonstrated the biases of emotion recognition systems.
    • Maastricht University Open Bachelor and Master Days: Fostered next-generation interest in AI.
  • Reviewing for Leading AI Journals and Conferences:
    • Journal of Pattern Recognition
    • International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
    • IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
    • Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
    • ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI)
    • IEEE Fcace and Gesture Recognition (FG)
    • International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
  • Workshop Organization:
    • Co-organized the first workshop on AI and Sensor-Supported Integrated Care Solutions (ASSIST2021): An interdisciplinary event.
    • Committee Member, Workshop on Face and Gesture Analysis for COVID-19 (FG4COVID19)